I've used craigslist.com in the past. Just tell her to be careful and fully screen people and be safe about meeting with them. You can post for free. For childcare, there is a section in the community section where people post adds for childcare available or childcare needed. It's very simple to post an add. There is a link to post in the upper left hand corner. She just needs to select chicagoland or chicago. Also, there is a section with great helpwanted posts. Sounds like she needs to develop a resume, and save it to her computer in her documents so she can email it as an attachment. She can also sell items on it. Unlike ebay, you don't have to pay for a listing and you can arrange local pickups for items. There are so many ways that she could make money on Craigslist. Also there are great childrens items listed for her to buy for her grandchildren. I found the best Tigger Halloween costume for my son this year in excellent condition. It was a better one that would have been $30 or more new. I paid $5 and just had to drive across town to get it. Not bad, eh?! So many people use Craigslist - I would never pay to post an add in a local paper anymore!