Please do not turn to a supplement or a pill! It is only a band-aid solution that may help you initially cut the weight but as soon as you go off of it the weight (and then some!) will pile right back on.
Start by visiting your family doctor and have him or her do a complete physical exam to rule out any endocrine issues and also check for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or other issues. They may be able to start you off on the right path.
Second, find a source of support to help you with your issues. Don't beat yourself up so much - I think almost EVERY woman out there has been at the point where they had eating habits that weren't exactly healthy. What's important is that you KNOW you need to change and that's a step in the right direction. Weight Watchers is a great support group because not only will attending meetings help you learn more about what you're doing to your body, it also helps you hold yourself accountable for your actions. WW is also a healthy eating plan that you adopt for the rest of your life, not just to cut weight then go back to eating junk. If you are more interested in an online program, check out www.sparkpeople.com or www.thedailyplate.com. Both sites allow you to track what you eat and help you make good daily choices based upon your goals. I love sparkpeople because they have great resources for nutrition, meal planning, exercising (both cardio and strength training and you may never have to leave your house if you don't want to!), you name it.
Third, what kind of foods are you eating? If you say that you are hungry all the time but have a never-ending appetite, check your diet to see if it is full of processed foods, refined sugar, or things that you buy from the aisles in the grocery store. These types of foods tend to have high amounts of refined sugar which enters the bloodstream very quickly, almost violently. Your body compensates for this 'rush' by pumping out a ton of insulin to try to manage this influx of sugar. Ever feel sluggish or have a headache 30-60 minutes after eating? Ever feel like you need to stuff your face 60-90 minutes after eating? Chances are that you need to eat less processed foods and refined sugars, and include more whole grain, high fiber, naturally occurring foods. Yes, these are carbs (and NO they are NOT off limits!) but they are complex carbohydrates which are released more gradually in your body. They are satisfying and make you feel fuller longer. Additionally, they don't screw up your pancreas and insulin levels like junk food does. Start shopping the perimeter of the grocery store - fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, nuts, and whole grain breads.
If you're truly ready to try anything, start by using sparkpeople or thedailyplate and logging everything that you eat. You'd be surprised at how much you might be putting in your mouth on a daily basis. Quite honestly, if you do a little bit of reading and research about nutrition, it is really easy to modify your diet while still eating plenty of food and feeling satisfied. Sure you can turn to the pills, but keep in mind that they are expensive, they might not work, they might do more damage to your body than good, and it is highly likely that as soon as you go off of them, you'll just gain the weight back. Wouldn't you rather have something that is a permanent solution that is also GOOD for your body?