Personally, no. There is no way I would consider the bag you refered to. Just to compare, this is the bag I purchased a couple of months ago, and it is perfect for me:
I'm sure you are looking for something a bit more fashionable (Is that a word?) That's not really on my radar. I was looking for a bag that was designed to hold a laptop (extra slot, with padding, just for the laptop). My bag has a shoulder strap that is padded and designed to carry weight. It is sleek, and it will hold up over time. I bought this bag after my previous Targus bag began to fall apart. I had had that one for 6 years, and it was perfect. I can already tell that this one is better made.
Most of the bags I looked at were black and boring. The one I picked has a splash of blue, so that was part of the reason I picked it. Personally, I would not look at designer bags at all. You are talking about carrying a laptop on a train. I would be looking at office products.
The shoulder strap on your bag, alone, was enough for me to say no.