dear A.;
here's something brilliant that a friend of mine w a 2.5 yr old and an 11 mo old told me recently.
the 2.5 yr old has some delays so the mom has taken him to a naturopath and a nutritionist to support the mainstream treatment. anyway this kid is not into food at all and the mom, of course, is worried about it; but the nutritionist took a look at the kid, who, for all his challenges, is alert, sweet, fun, active, very healthy, and pink in the cheeks, if a tad thin and a tad short, and said to the mom;
'do you have any relatives who lived through the Depression?'
and the mom said, 'Oh yes, Uncle Jim and Unlce Frank, and my dad and Aunt Emmalie and Aunt Maryanne...'
and the nutritionist said, 'And how old did they live to be?'
and the mom said, '"Oh, all into thier 90s.'
and the nutritonist said, 'Hmmm. I bet none of them ate hummus, fortified yogurt, whole wheat crackers, and apples,, which according to you, is almost all your son will eat.'
The point being, we are all of us these days hopelessly BRAINWASHED into total paranoia about the children not eating enough. Let's face it; most toddlers don't like to eat, and when they do eat, it's usually from a selection of like, 7 things. and yet, they all poop, pee, run around like maniacs, generally drive us crazy, and grow big and strong and gorgeous, delayed, not delayed, extra smart, whatever.
i would also point out to you that it's pretty pointless to treat mealtime as this terribly restricted event, since it's not likely to be that way once your son is a little older and able to feed himself. when he's big enough to take his own bowl of cereal in the morning, peel his own banana, put peanut butter on his own bread, isn't your meal time rule going to be, "If you don't want this, you can make youreself a sandwich." Who of us, ever, is exclusively confined to ONE choice for supper? it's just not reasonable, nobody lives that way, so why torture him now? pediatricians are notorious for doling out punishing advice that sounds sensible but is, in the final analysis, mean as hell and totally useless.
A., i'll just say this one last thing to you; please don't expect your child to make either wise decisions or logical decisions now or for like, the next ten years. He's a little baby. why create a power struggle around something that has to happen at least three times a day? you yourself said this fight is not the way to start the morning. your son is not asking for cake and doritos for meals, is he? why not just give him what he likes and be glad he's eating and cooperating at all?
you could also read a book called "My Child Won't Eat!" i don't remember the author but you can google it, and find it easily.
don't beat yourself or your child up A., you're doing a good job.