I had similar issues with both of my last babies! This first one, we just never got her to take a bottle period and I nursed her for 22 months. It worked out that i didn't HAVE to leave her, so it wasn't a total disaster. With our next daughter,however,it was important that i be able to leave her, at least for 3 hours at a time...just enough for her to get screaming mad when i wasn't there for a feeding! Finally the solution for us was to allow her to "suck" breastmilk from a (new, clean) cloth diaper. My husband would dip a corner into the milk, allow her to suck it out, re-dip. Repeat. After tricking her a few times this way, he covered the nipple of the bottle with the cloth and allowed her to do it that way. I know it sounds crazy...but we were driving ourselves nuts with trying to convince her that a bottle was best for her...and becoming increasingly stressed out, which wasn't adding any credence to our argument that the bottle was what was best for her! I read all of the La Leche League advice, Dr Sears, Dr Spock etc....and zero of the experts had advice that worked for us. It was THE single most frustrating thing about choosing to BF and i hear how worried and frustrated you must be! Knowing that you are under a deadline to return to work while not knowing if your baby will be the happiest she can be is a HUGE stress.
Eventually (at about 5 months) she started to take a bottle without complaint. But it wasn't smooth sailing by any means and it did put a strain on our nursing relationship b/c i sort of felt that she was being "difficult". I am expecting our next baby any minute now and plan on introducing a bottle via dad or older siblings within the first week or two, just in case! Third time's a charm??
Enjoy the time you are able to nurse her, and consider how much she must love you and her nursing relationship with you...just b/c you want her to take a bottle doesn't mean that she thinks it is a good idea! You are not alone in this!
J., Doula & Educator