Many babies HATE the infant carrier type seats. They aren't very padded and are too surved. My daughter also hated her seat until we got a Britax. It is much more compfrtable and will also allow her to rear face until she's 35 pounds, a BIG must for her delicate spine. Also, at this age, she is not old enough to self soothe herself with toys, etc, but is smart enough to realize that when she is strapped in this contraption, she is stuck there and people won't pick her up the second she cries. She's having her first tantrum, congratulations! It will pass, make sure she has every need met before you put her in the seat so she doesn't panic. If you need to nurse her in the car or change her there and hold her until she is very calm and relaxed, do that before heading off. Also, at this age, they are VERY easy to teach routine through music. If everytime she is nursing and about to fall asleep, you play soft music, something you know the words to, so you will sing along to her, then you can pop that CD in after a week or so of it reprsenting calm memories, and play it. My daughter LOVED Praise Baby Cd' too. It's soft Christian praise music that also comes on DVD. She, at 3 months old, would watch the calming babies faces, bubbles, waves, birds etc, and would fall right asleep. This was our emergency music. Now, at almost 3, she likes her music every night before bed and we take it with us when we travel. Even if i'm going to be running some errands and really need her to nap in the car, I just play the music and she's out. Good Luck, it will get better, remember that complaining about certain situations is a sign of intelligence, something all new moms are happy to see in their babies.