Help, Need Job!!!!!!!!

Updated on October 04, 2008
C.N. asks from Irving, TX
3 answers

Hello Wonderful Moms!
My husband needs a job! He is a contract Pro E drafter, giving support to the engineering staff, with over 20 years of drafting experience. His last job ended ironically this Friday after two years. His boss told him two months ago that he was being hired permanently. We were elated!Then about 1 month ago his boss came back and said the opposite! My husband was told that he was being let go!It is a roller coaster ride! My husband is a very diligent, hard worker and this is very depressing to him. He is registered with several contract companies and has his resume on Career builder and Monster on the Internet. I can send a resume if any of you have husbands who work in the engineering fields!
Thanks to all the wonderful moms out there! I love this helpful site!
Thanks and blessings!
C. N.

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answers from Dallas on

Does he belong to any drafting associations or networks? These days, posting your resume on websites or searching websites for jobs just doesn't work for most people. It's all about who you know. What about people he has worked with before? Does he still have their contact information? Maybe they know of companies that are hiring drafters. Membership associations often hear about openings before anyone else because that's where they know the best applicants are.

UPDATE: I'm not familiar with drafting, but there's a job opening with the City of Irving for an Architect/Project Manager. The City of Irving is a good place to work, if this is something he is qualified for. Also, I know the City doesn't post their jobs anywhere but the city's website. Your husband should search website for companies in the area.

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answers from Dallas on

Has he tried Aerotek or any other company that helps find you jobs? That was a lifesaver when my husband was layed off, he's an engineer.
Good luck & God Bless!

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answers from Dallas on

I don't know of any jobs but I will pray for you and your family.

It is so depressing to lose a job, but make sure your husband knows he didn't fail, it's the company. They want our promise to stay, but they make no promises to us.

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