Gack. Where were you last year before my husband got a job that comes with a staff lawyer & accountant??? We've spent the past year climbing out of the mess of being in school for the past 6 years.
I'll tell you what: The SHEER number of my friends (mostly with young children, but many without...all over this country) who need a personal accountant (to help with budgeting, sound financial planning, LT planning, saving, taxes, bill prioritizing, the legalities of x,y,z...start up home businesses, music businesses, art businesses)....but either a) can't afford the typical $100-$300 dollar an hour fee or b) don't know where to staggering.
Do you know where I know all of these people from? Schools. Pick a name University. We're broke. We're raising families. We're just starting our careers. (Lovely climate for that, what?) In some cases we're paying 3 tuitions or more (mum, dad, and preschool), juggling credit cards, quarterly financial aid checks, and multiple jobs. Our finances are the definition of "learning curve".
If you had cut rates or sliding scale, and marketed yourself to students (especially grad students in nearly any non-business/law degree...or...any community college where we're saving on OUR educations in order to pay for our children's education/daycare... to art students who are putting themselves through school by selling their work on the side, essentially starting their own business), and especially if you could time your bills with financial aid could set your own hours, & work from your (or their) kitchen tables.
I have a friend up in Seattle who does something similar the beginning he (stay at home dad), just booked people when he he has his "office hours" of Thursday evenings 5-9, Friday days 12-6, and Saturday days from 12-6. He has flat rates for certain services, hourly rates for others, and bills quarterly. For some of his clients he actually handles all of their income & bills (I'm not real clear on what that would probably know better that I, limited power of attorney i THINK). But those clients he just handles the majority of the time online. Money making time (when he gets his wife to use up a weeks vacation so he can work 24/7 is the week before taxes, because all of his regular clients are sending their friends to him)...but he makes a decent living these days working what? 16 hours a week + time when the babies are napping or asleep. When he first started I helped him flyer at all the local colleges (student unions, daycare facilities, dorms, etc.) back when I was single & childless. Seattle, come to find, in addition to the UW has about a gazillion community colleges and 3 private universities. San Diego/LA make that look like nothing.
Anyhow. Just a thought.