Stay away from scary movies and consider the counselor option to rule out any major issues. If it's just a phase, then is it possible for you to get a dog? When I was young and scared to be alone, I used my dog for comfort. You know you hear all kinds of creeks and little noises when you are scared that are always there but somehow amplified when you are scared. I learned that if my dog didn't worry about it, than I shouldn't either. Dogs have excellent hearing and can sense danger. I knew if there was a noise and my dog continued to sleep or whatever, it was no big deal. And if by chance that noise made my dog perk up, I knew he could protect me. It can even be a little dog. You can reason that "bad people" will avoid houses with dogs because they don't want the hassle and dogs will bark and warn the neighbors. It's much easier to rob a house without a dog. Kinda silly I know but it is true. And a dog is very comforting on any occasion because they listen to you and don't tell you your silly. You can hug on them if you are really scared. If you can do it, my vote is for a dog.