It sounds like you dog thinks it's in charge. You have to let it know otherwise. I suggest crate training. We got one when our dog was about a year old and I so regret not getting one earlier. I also agree with reading training books and the newspaper swatting. The noise definitely scares them. Another thing that worked with our dog is when he jumped up immediately make him lay down in front of who ever he jumped on, grab his snout very firmly and look him in the eyes and tell him "NO". Don't scream it at him, but be VERY firm. He should get the hint after a few times of doing this that he is not "alfa dog". Something my MIL showed me that she had learned in training classes to show who is in charge is keep him on a leash at all times or in a crate. Even in the house have him on a leash and right next to you untill he learns that he doesn't just do whatever he wants. It is hard to stand by but so worth it. Hope this helps. Good luck!