I have been told that they are a lack of vit c.....I understand that at LEAST 500mg a day is good so that might be easy.
My daughter is 16 and had gotten 2 heavy nosebleeds. One Sat A.M. another Sunday P.M.
I have an older daughter who got nosebleeds at season changes, this is the 1st time daughter #2 has gotten them. Are there any suggestons on how to avoid them in the first place or how to get rid of them quickly? Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all your words of wisdom. I think the nosebleeds have to do with the dry climate here in Utah. For now I think we have it under control. I have told my daughter of all the responses I have recieved. I hope she will think back on this if she has another nosebleed. You are all so knowlegdable. Thanks again.
I have been told that they are a lack of vit c.....I understand that at LEAST 500mg a day is good so that might be easy.
I grew up with nosebleeds all the time. use a humidifier in the childs room, help keep air as moist as possible. I used to have to drink salt water, but I think that one has been debunked. lol.
I had to have sinus surgery when I was older because of all the swelling that had occured with my nose as a kid, the doc said if they'd caught my allergies earlier might not have had to happen so maybe get your kids tested?
and use the sailine drops in the nose, it is just a salt water solution. My nose specialist told me just get basic saline drops they use for eyes, you get more, it's less expensive and the exact same thing.
GL. hope it helps.
Check out the above website about nosebleeds---it's from my doctor's website and this kind of information, I have found helpful.
I am concerned that these are heavy, by your description, and that she has never had them before now, as a 16 year old---I would have expected an environmental problem, like lack of humidity, would have bothered her before. Just a couple of examples, BUT----It may be a situation relating to a child being of menstrual age vs. not. Perhaps there is some kind of irritation, i.e. chemical, that is occurring either known or unknown.
I would take those into consideration, but I also am one of those who feel a trip to the doctor and possibly some bloodwork wouldn't be a bad idea----ESPECIALLY, if the nosebleeds continue.
Best wishes.
My son gets really bad nose bleeds. They are not seasonal, but usually if he hits his nose on anything. But when he does get one, it is like someone cut him open. So I have asked this type of question before. What I have learned with my son is that there is a couple of things you can do. First, vasoline keeps the membranes inside the nose moist. It doesnt have to be a lot and can feel wierd at first, but it really works when the air around you is dry. The second thing to do is when she gets a nose bleed, pinch the bridge of the nose tightly, lean her head forward (absolutely not back because the blood goes down the throat) and get an icepack and put it on the back of the neck. I know this sounds a little strange, but my son would bleed and bleed until I thought there possibly could not be more blood in his body and this technique really works and the bleeding absolutely stops quickly. I hope this helps your daughter.
My kids all get terrible nosebleeds when the season changes. The doctor told me to go to the store and get some nose spray called Ocean. It is just saline spray that moisturizes the nasal passages. I forgot to mention to you that the other day my daughter got a terrible nosebleed and her friend told her to run her hands under warm water and it changes some sort of chemical balance in your body and the nose will stop bleeding. We laughed but it really did work. I have also used flonase nasal spray and it helped bunches.
Do you suspect your girls' nosebleeds are brought on by the dryness of the air in your home from using the heater during winter months? If so, simply using a humidifier at night will work wonders. A bit of a pain to clean them regularly and fill them each night, but worth it if it helps. Also, provides relief for dry skin/eczema.
Nothing like that dry, Colo. climate! My daughter went through the same thing, and our dr. said to do both the saline spray twica a day and vaseline under and slightly into the nostrils at night. It totally helped! She never got another one again, and it's been 2 years. Good luck!
I used to have this problem. I put vaseline in my nose before bedtime. It really helps a lot. Also make sure she is getting enough fluids. This could be a dehydration problem.
I used to get them all the time when I was younger. The dr. told me to put vaseline in my nose before bed. Good luck!
I would have their iron levels checked. It just may be they need to take a supplement.
I found a humidifier helped. I'm from Michigan, and the drier Montana air, as well as season changes had me getting nosebleeds every morning. I put the humidifier right in my room. Best of luck! :)
I get nosebleeds all the time in the winter...apparently due to the dry air. They usually stop when I splash some freezing cold water in my nose. Try keeping a humidifier on in the bedroom at night.
I use to have problems with nosebleeds, mostly during season changes. I would have 14-15 nosebleeds a day. I went to an ENT doctor for another reason and he had me use nasial spray (I think flonaz) I only use the trial size bottle and I haven't had problems with bloody noses since. That was about 3 years ago.
Hi P.,
I took the time to read through all of the responses you've received so far, just to make sure I wasn't going to repeat anything.
I used to get horrible chronic nosebleeds. They would start for no reason, anytime of year (not seasonal) and they were always "gushers". I could be driving down the highway, when all of a sudden blood would just begin to pour and they were always very difficult to stop; sometimes even up to an hour. (It really sucks, when there's no kleenex in the car! :o) )
After many months of dealing with it, I finally visited my doctor's office. After normal bloodwork, and all of the humidifiers, vaseline, allergy remedies, etc failed to change anything, I finally had a vein cauterized in my nose. It was a simple procedure that was mostly painless. I've not had chronic problems with nosebleeds since, and that was easily 20 years ago. It was totally worth it. If your children struggle with chronic problems, it may be worth checking out.
Hope this is helpful!
Best wishes,
I hate to even mention it, but sudden onset of nosebleeds (when there has been no history of them) COULD be a sign of a serious medical condition. The first thing that comes to mind is lukemia. Most likely, it is nothing at all, but I would call the doctor just to be sure. I am going off of old memory and so my thoughts might be TOTALLY wrong - so don't freak out. But if you're at all concerned, call the doctor. It's worth the time and, even, the cost of a doctor's appointment and lab tests if he feels those neccessary, to have the peace of mind knowing that there's really nothing wrong. Listen to your mother's instincts.
My youngest gets nose bleeds if he doesn't take his claritin every night. It's the weather, allergies or whatever but they stop when I give him the pill every night. Good luck!!