Hi Kristin, I'm a navy wife also! It's an intersting life isn't it?!?! Your boys will catch up with their speech issues. I wouldn't worry so much about that. I'm sorry that others haven't been so understanding about his, it hurts you much more than it does your boys i'm sure. I would suggest taking your boys to see an experienced reiki therapist, or one who works with alternative medicine. The reiki will certainly do good, but don't expect immediate results. It can take time. Please avoid medicating them. So many of the psyciatric drugs that doctors are giving out today are totally damaging to children. The drugs cover reality. Instead of helping the problem, it just covers it so that the child can function like a robot, or however the parents want them to. They may talk, act happy, and interact more, but over time it's really hurting them and doesn't allow them to be themselves by fixing it on their own. Try reading this book, The Children of Now. It describes many characteristics of children with autism and ADD. Give it try and let me know if you need any more help, good luck! :)