Hi H.,
Although my children are both still very young, I certainly REMEMBER being a teenager and all the "h-e-l-l" I put my parents through. Really, the only suggestion I can offer to you, is to FIRST decide EXACTLY what the "rules" are that both your daughter AND her boyfriend need to abide by. Then you need to determine what punishment is equal to breaking those rules. For example, if no phone calls are allowed after 11:00 p.m., the punishment is that the phone is taken away for "x" amount of days. If she's late breaking curfew, the punishment is no going out/no phone calls/no TV/no internet (whatever) for "x" amount of days. Obviously, as I'm sure you know, the punishment needs to equal the crime, but it also need to make an impact, meaning that you have to take something away that really drives it home (no car, no internet, etc...whatever SHE feels is IMPORTANT to her, that she'll really dislike.) Then, once you have the most important rules that you will not tolerate being broken, you MUST put them down on paper - IN WRITING. Get a piece of poster board from the drug store and outline EACH rule, with the punishment underneath (or even type them up on a piece of paper - whatever - just put them in writing!) Then, you MUST sit with both of them together - YES...INCLUDE THE BF, so HE knows the rules and punishments since they affect him as well. Go over each of them and the punishement that ensues individually and clearly. Afterward, have a roundtable discussion. Let them SPEAK and make their thoughts and comments heard as well. You have to let them know that yes, although they are "adults" (to some degree) and that their lives, thoughts and inputs are important to you and your boyfriend, but that the bottom line is that YOU are the BOSS. She's still your CHILD, it's YOURE home and YOU get the final say. Make it clear that in order to obtain priveledges (because that's exactly what they are...PRIVELEDGES), they must abide by your and your BF'S "house rules." Plain and simple - no ifs, ands or buts. Go so far as to have them sign and date the paper or posterboard that they "understand and will abide by the aforementioned "house rules." Last, but certainly not least and probably MOST importantly, once the rules and punishments are set in place, you have to make sure YOU enforce them. You cannot let ONE "slip" go by. If you allow youself to not follow/enforce one of your own rules, then you're making the statement that they don't have to follow ANY of them, and then it all becomes a moot point. If you're not going to follow your own punishments and enforcements, why should they follow the rules to begin with? You have to STICK BY YOUR GUNS...NO GETTING OR GOING SOFT! Once they realize you mean business, it should help in getting more respect - both ways. I really think that a lot of problems today with children, really is with the PARENTS. Children need to understand what their boundaries and limitations are (which most of them truly appreciate having!) When they get mixed messages from their parents, they basically "lash" out with misbehavior because their brains just aren't mature enough to know how else to communicate their angst. Misbehavior is the easiest way for them to get their "points" across, even if we - as parents - don't even remotely understand what their point is! We just see it as clear disobeying/misbehavior but, most times, they're just trying to tell us something...they just don't know how. Yes, she's 17 (and it sounds like he's older if he's hanging out with his college buddies), but they're still KIDS and don't have the life experience and communication skills that we obtain through the years as we mature and become older adults. I really think that if you take your time, figure out which rules are truly important to you and your BF that you want/need them to adhere to (try not to be too petty - you definitely have to pick your battles!), outline them to your daughter and her BF and have a true "discussion" with them afterwards, that you'll see some improvement. I only wish that my parents had laid some defined rules down with me, and that I knew the reprecussions for disobeying them...and that they were more stead-fast about them. I didn't know if I was coming or going and when I'd be in trouble or not. Anyway, I apologize for being so lengthly and getting carried away! I certainly wish you and your family the best...whether or not you choose to use these suggestions. Please keep us posted - it won't be long before many of us are in the same boat you're currently in. I'm sure I'll be begging for help myself in about 10 years (which flies by way too quickly!) Again, best of luck!!!
Oh yeah...1 more thing - you might want to limit the amount of time she's allowed to go to HIS family home. Make it a rule that the times needs to be equal, or that they at least have to spend more time at YOUR home. Make the most of it, and try to put forth some effort in making him a part of YOUR family and make him feel welcome. Like you said, this probably won't last forever, so put forth some earnest effort in making them feel that you want them THERE...with the rest of you. Don't "hover" and make sure you give them "alone" time, but I think its always better when you're kids are under your OWN roof, where you can at least try keep ONE eye on them and know, somewhat, what they're up to (even if its nothing.) LOL!