trust your motherly instincts, hold and nurse that baby! she is at an age where she understands your proximity to her and it's very scary when you leave. you need to earn the trust back and show her that you are ALWAYS there for her and are going to help her through whatever is going on no matter what, such as fear, pain of teething, overwhelmed, overtired. that is your job, it is not a part time positon. you are mom 24/7. it is temporary but worth the work, cosleep, rock, babywear & nurse on demand for as long as needed. enjoy being needed, it's very short. the results of peaceful parenting are wonderful. research the benefits of attachment parenting at www.askdrsears.com. when she feels secure she will behave more secure and independantly. crying and distress send the bad hormone cortisol through baby-bad for brain development and bad for stress and obesity in their future. EVERY DOCTOR knows that. it's a fact. not to mention the emotional damage you are doing by leaving them alone. contact me and La Leche if you need any support or advice. hug that baby! god bless