My 22 year old daughter started having issues not to long after my husband (her dad) suddenly passed away in 10/2015. We spent a couple of hours about once a month in the ER for the staff to "reset" her heart. Her heart would start racing over 200 beats/minute which can get very dangerous. This was very scary. She had no genetic issues that we knew of... we were told that the stress and anxiety from losing her dad had a lot to do to trigger her issue
She saw a cardiologist who specializes in electro cardiology and she was diagnosed with SVT. After a round of RX that mostly worked but not good for long term treatment and control, she opted for the ablation of her heart in July 2016. Since then, she has had the preliminary episode but it has not kicked off SVT again. She was cleared by the cardiologist in June 2017 for 1 year.
The Dr. froze the area that was acting up during the ablation. There are no guarantees that it won't come back in another area of her heart but since we are this far out from surgery the outlook is very positive.
Check into a more specialized cardiologist. This is likely completely different from your issues but it can't hurt to be checked out. Daughter did say that a couple years back during exams at school, she did have some palpitations but didn't think much of it. She is a high strung young lady who puts a LOT of pressure on herself to have perfect grades in college as well as run her life smoothly.
We dealt specifically with Baylor Heart Hospital.
You never know.
Good luck to you.