I know it sounds weird, but I put white vinegar--just a few drops--in my ears. Literally, I drop it from a teaspoon, let it sit inside the canal for about 5-10 seconds, and then drain it out. My family has done this for years, and it ALWAYS helps me. I've used it on both kids, and even on the hubby. My son used to complain about ear pain late at night, when it was too late to go to the doctor, but if I did that treatment, he slept great, and the most I'd have to do is repeat the treatment for five seconds the next night. Never three nights in a row.
BTW, had a friend here who was worried about what I did, and when she was having ear trouble, she asked her doctor. He said the remedy was a good one--even gave her a handout on it--so the doctors know, too. My aunt uses it with her poodles' ears, for this breed tends to get infections of the ear. She puts it in right after their bath.
Vinegar is a natural anti-fungal. It's great for use after swimming in the pool, too.