My daughter had her right foot calcaneus and ligament repaired, and was scheduled to miss three weeks of school due to the metal brackets that kept her foot together, the doctors and I agreed the possibility of frequent movement and further injury from the other kids would make further difficulties. So she was homebound taught, and it was great, because she got better instruction than in the classroom, and the movement from going to PT was traumatic enough for her, due to pain. even going to the bathroom was a big deal. however, what I am going to say, might make you upset, however, I am straightforward and truthful so here goes... I am getting a sense that from your writing that there is a bit of underlying feelings from you that YOU, do not want to have to remain home and care for her, not saying ypur a bad or inconsiderate Mother, but, this additional care does place an additional burden upon you, and a small amount upon your hubby the breadwinner, since he has the city job, and in this economy employment is important. I know this additional care is alot for you the mother, and it seems there is little support for you, such as respite care support, to give you a break. You didnt say if you worked before, during or after the accident, and if you did this might have caused you to make significant changes in your lifestyle, goals, job wishes, and freedom. even if you didnt work, this care has placed an emotional burden upon you as the Mom, wife, caregiver, nurse, and teacher. it seems that you need to REALLY need to talk to your child's doctor to obtain more in-home support to assist you, such as a visiting nurse, home health aide, respite care, in-home PT/OT care, because if you have other kids, the care of these children, places alot upon you, and when homebound was mentioned, it seems as though you have reached the end of overcoping! it is OK to feel overwhelmed! I was on active duty, and had just entered into a new leadership role, over males, and the surgery was a load full! But, I had to really admit to myself and the doctor, I needed all the resources available! Since we were also pending deployment! Well, I talked to the school, and they got the best teachers for my daughter, the teachers helped with the things she had trouble with, and rebuilt her skills, they were successful in building her self-esteem, with the surgery, and mental status; the in-home therapies helped lessen the movement, until her bones were ready; and the respite care , wheeelchair, ramp, and other medical assistance equipment (insurance covered; doctor wrote scripts to obtain), took alot off me. My family was 3000 miles away. Friends helped with making short visits so i could tend to other issues that got me out of the house for 1-2 hours! mind freedom! as a Mom, we fret and worry when our kids are harmed, and it is stressful and depressing! I recommend that you that you consult a child psych doc to talk to your daughter, because this change does effect their mental health, which effects their ability to heal. I had one for my daughter, and we find out she was afraid, but, didnt want to worry me, because she overheard the talks I was having with others... Kids are sponges and they need a safe place to express themselves. sometimes Mom/Dad arent the answer, remember she is also undergoing puberty, friend loss, socialization, mobility, and pain... My background is medicine, so the ineffectiveness of the meds means there might be an underlying emotional issue, remember kids arent the best at expressing to parents, and the safe place gives her time to express her fears, and teach her positive mental reinforcement to change her mental thoughts to begin positive thoughts to heal. Have you ever considered accupuncture for pain relief? Honestly, the Chinese used this for 5000 years, and since I have chronic pain the use of accupuncture took me off the need for more potent pain meds. Yes, needles seem scary, but, they have very small needles, and they will hurt less than the current pain she feels... What she needs is to experience the positiveness of undergoing some REST, in order to heal, it seemed as thought, she or parents are forcing her to return into school, but, have you considered that she needs more time to rest? everyone heals differently, and rushing her doesnt seem to be the answer since she had so many surgeries, how would you feel, if you were a child? Put yourself in her place, including Dad... Afford her the time to heal, not only in body, but in mind and spirit... Don't rush so much, her body is trying to tell you something... setup play dates, beauty days where facials, toe nail painting from friends and giggles, where the plan... remember schools are crowded, imagine trying to manuever halls, events on crutches, and kids can be mean, and bullying... In my opinion, I think homeschooling has more positive reinfocrements than just schoolwork, just give it a chance... in fact, my daughter ended up being far ahead of her class, when she ended... Her math skills were so improved she ended up tutoring others, when she returned in a cast! She made the Principal's list in her first quarter return... Now, she is pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering... so, talk to her teachers and get her the time she needs, it might make a positive differnce for everyone in your family, and her future.... Good luck!