My youngest (9 years old) has ADHD-Combined, and I homeschool both of my daughters. After some trial and error, here are the curricula we are loving:
Math: Life of Fred. Best math books ever, hands down. They are fun, engaging, and my girls actually beg to do math every day. ("But mom, can't I do another chapter?!" Well, if you're really good, I guess you can, just this once... hahaha) http://www.stanleyschmidt.com/FredGauss/21%20Questions/qu...
Science: Supercharged Science (You can get a subscription by month, so you don't need to purchase the whole program if you may not be homeschooling permanently.) http://www.superchargedscience.com/
Language Arts: For my younger daughter (5th grade), we are using McMillan McGraw Hill's Spotlight on Literacy. This isn't a homeschool book, but it's excellent in terms of content and format, in my opinion. http://www.amazon.com/Spotlight-On-Literacy-Level-5/dp/00...
For my older daughter (who is in 7th grade), we use Excellence in Literature. I think that program isn't really set up for younger kids, but it's excellent. http://everyday-education.com/literature/index.shtml
History: We use Oak Meadow, but that would be a bigger investment than you might want to make for summertime supplementing. Maybe check into Story of the World? I know a lot of families who use that and like it.
Best of luck - if I can help at all with answering curriculum questions, don't hesitate to message me.