I had a repeat c-section just a couple of weeks ago and was glad to stay in the hospital for 3.5 days with my husband and new baby. Our 1st was home with Grammy and would come to visit everyday. I had a pretty miserable time those 1st few days, couldn't really walk or even go comfortably from a reclining to sitting position without help from the hospital bed. My swelling was pretty bad and no amount of water brought it down, just laying on my left side...which I needed the handles on the bed to do.
My 1st c-section didn't leave me feeling so bad so I was also hoping not to be in the hospital for long. I'm glad that my Dr made me stay though and you may find once you are there, you'll appreciate the extra recovery time if you need it. If you don't, then great!
My 1st child thought visiting the hospital a great novelty and loved the anticipation of seeing the new baby each day. The going home count down was fun as was the visit with a Grandparent (who I'm sure spoiled him mercilessly...LOL). Yes, I missed seeing my big baby, but it was nice also to uninterrupted new baby time too without having jealousy issues right away.
Just take it easy...major surgery recovery shouldn't be rushed.
Oh yeah! I made sure my hospital had separate rooms for every mom...allowed the new baby and husband to be in the room with me (not in a separate nursery) and that I could have visitors whenever I wanted as long as they weren't sick. That way I could close the door and not have to deal with the other stuff going on. As far as a maternity ward went, you barely knew that women were giving birth as each room was sound proofed. Very quiet. Not all hospitals are so restful.