We found a great cleaning lady that cleaned our house every other week for $80. She had to stop due to medical reasons and I haven't tried to find a replacement. Our house is about the same as yours, 3800sqft. She brought her own "natural" cleaning supplies(towels/cleansers) but used our vacuum and mop. She emptied all the trash cans, changed the sheets, picked up stuff off the floor and put them in a pile(kids rooms), vacuumed all carpet, mopped all tile floors, dusted a little(mantles and on occasion the blinds), cleaned bathrooms(wiped down mirrors/sinks, scrubbed toilets, tubs, shower walls), wiped tables, kitchen counters/stove and clean out micromave. She would wash and put away a few dishes like pots, but left the silverware & cups in the sink. She was here about 4 hours and I had my day reserved every other week. It would have been difficult to switch days or weeks as she had other clients and they would have had to switch also. Around holidays, she would have to arrange her schedule and it always worked out for me. I never asked her to change her schedule for me. Everyone has their own terms, but if both of you agree to the terms then you really need to keep your promise and pay her on time. She is doing her job and she depends on the money. I believe most clients were on the every other week type of schedule, but there may have been a few monthly clients. It all depends on what they have available. I talked to several and most came out to our house and gave free estimates. The prices were cheaper per visit if you did the weekly service, but more affordable overall to go with the bi-weekly service.