She sounds pretty normal.
4th - 5th grade, some girls start becoming boy crazy, others still enjoy dolls, others enjoy books, games.. etc..
All above is just normal. Girls test out their standing in a groups. They want to be cool. They do not always know what other people are talking about, but they do not want to look out of the loop so they are not picked on or excluded.
6th grade, begins the middle school years. More girls start having their periods, again some boy crushes... especially the boys that tend to be more mature.. .
Again there can be a complete change in friends, especially if they move to a Middle School environment.
The classes are not so homogeneous, so they tend to be in classes with the kids that learn at the same pace as your child. Also if your child joins, Band, Orchestra, sports, Theater, they will tend to build strong relationships with these students because they articipate in more after school activities with them..
Let your daughter go at her pace. Try hard to just be a person that listens. Only offer observations or respond when asked.
Also allow your daughter to fail, to make mistakes, etc.. She needs to know that this is ok and she will survive.
You guide her by listening and being like Switzerland, neutral. This" is a time when you can answer, "well what do you think you should do?.. "How does this make you feel?" " How can you change this?" "What do you need to make this work? "
It is hard because we want our children to always be happy, to succeed, to not have any worries, but while your child is in your home, this is the time to let them figure these things out.
Allow her to be honest with you. TRY not to be embarrassed or shocked in front of her. . Stay calm so that she will feel comfortable speaking with you about anything.. Also be very honest about important information. She needs to know the truth from you.