You might be back home already from your travels but I thought I'd write anyhow either for other's who look up the post or in case you have not travelled yet.
I find it easier to travel alone with the kids at times because everybody is so much more helpful and friendly. Travelling with hubby and 2 kids I find people rude at times and you are just one of them and that's how you get treated.
Call the airline definatley beforehand and ask for on child menue, see if you can get a bulk head seat (has it's positive sides--more space and it negative sides though as well--the trays come out from the side of your seat oposed to from the front seat) which is very hard to get though because all sorts of people qualify for them. If you still think you want bulk head seats then make sure you are one of the very first people to check-in which means being there about another 1- 1/2 hour before the regular guide line. Also when you call the air line tell them you are travelling alone and you would like to have an escort in the airport--I had that one time with British Air and the lady told me that this is her job, though if nobody tells her in advance she is not psycic and does not know that someone needs her help.
My best experience I had with Singapur Airlines--they are bendig over backwards. They gave my son juce before even taking off, asking how he wanted it (straight, diluted with water). They make the Americans seem bad when it comes to customer service, and I have experienced very good customer service in the US opposed to Europe.
I also like having my own car seat (making sure it's air line approved--know where it's written on the seat that it is approved for travel) as even 2 year old can open the seat belt in an airplane. Also if she decides to sleep you can prop the car seat back a lot better than just the back of the seat and if need be you can strap her in and she can't get out on her own, besides you might need the seat anyhow at your destinaton.
So my post was not so much about keeping a child occupied bit I found these things helpful and have gained these experiences by many overseas flights with and without hubby travelling with us. If we flew one leg alone then I always made sure if possible that he could be with us on the day flights (going to the US) opposed to the night flights when kids usually sleep most of the time and little attention is needed.
If I'm too late with my post I hope that you had a good experience though!