yes you can. I don't remember having it with my first two. But with this one I did have some spotting and therefore didn't think I was pregnant but I am!
Just wondering how common is implantation bleeding? I didn't get it when I was pregnant with my son. I put a post up earlier saying that I thought I was pregnant but I got my period today (today was the due date for my period). I have been reading alot about implantation bleeding.
If I didn't have implantation bleeding with my first pregnancy, could I have it the next time I get pregnant? Just curious.
yes you can. I don't remember having it with my first two. But with this one I did have some spotting and therefore didn't think I was pregnant but I am!
I did not have implantation bleeding with my daughter, but did have it for my current pregnancy, I actually didn't think I was pregnant because I had bleeding on the exact day that my period was due, but it lasted only a day and was very light spotting. So you can have it with your second pregnancy even if you didn't in your first, but it is more like spotting than a real period, at least in my experience but I have known people that had their period wile pregnant so everybody is different.
I had it with my first, not with my second.
I didn't have it with my first two pregnancies, but with my last pregnancy I had light spotting as well between about 4-8 weeks. It scared the hell out of me, but the rest of the preganacy was drama free & my daughter was full term and healthy :)
I had it with my first pregnancy but not my second. I was about 7.5 weeks along when I had it, and it was very minimal, light spotting. I remember panicking and putting on a pad, and basically nothing else came out. It is very common to have it, many friends have experienced this too. It typically doesn't happen until you are a week or so after your expected period, between 5 - 8 weeks, when the embryo implants into the lining. Some women who get it early think it is their period! Good luck with TTC.
yes you can. its more like spotting though - at least for me it was and it was a brownish tinge. are you having that or a real period? if its brownish tinge and then stops - try another preg test.