It doesn't sound to me like you need to encourage "solid" foods. She's already eating a good variety of food for her age. I don't think letting her finish with formula is detrimental at this point. One thing you could do, though is have her always eat at the table (or high chair - whatever you normally feed actual meals in.) That way, even if it's just a snack, she'll have to go in the kitchen and eat it there. If she's grazing on snacks all day, she's not going to eat a whole lot at actual meal times. But if she actually has to go sit down for food, she may not eat as many snacks as you think she needs because she'll favor playing instead of being interrupted to eat. Then she'll start eating a little better when she does actually go sit down and she'll be more hungry. As far as formula goes, she still needs liquid. Maybe switch over to cow's milk (whole) and see if she starts eating more. Formula has way more calories and sustainable energy than cow's milk. She may be getting her fill from it. Although not unhealthy, it may be preventing her from being interested in more actual food calories. One thing I would encourage, though, is switching from a bottle to a sippy if you haven't already. It is extremely easy to get milk from a bottle and sometimes is a deterrant from food because it's easier to drink than chew and swallow. The sippy will take some getting used to, and won't provide so much liquid nutrition so quickly, therefore, leading to more solid food consumption. Good luck. Hope this helps.