I actually teach at a college, so perhaps I can offer some perspective. College courses are intended for students to devote 2 hours preparation for every 1 hour in the classroom. This is particularly true for a course like English Composition or a literature class, where you need to do a good deal of writing outside of class. Does your schedule of learning multiple languages, playing two different instruments, and taking four courses really allow you to devote this amount of time to the college courses? I suspect not. As several other posters have said, you have taken on too much and you and your parents need to re-evaluate the expectations of what you can and should be doing. I'd suggest cutting way back on the outside of school activities and focus more on the world of high school (socially and academically). There's more than enough time in life for high-powered academics and achievement-oriented music. Also, re-read my newnickname's post again. She makes some excellent points. Good luck with it!