That was my husbands attitude as well... so I yanked him up short.
My "job"???
Okay, then starting today I want a weekend, I want reasonable working hours (no more of the 14-16 hour days with no break... If I'm going to be working 16 hours than I need at LEAST 2 one hour lunch breaks plus overtime), I'm filing suit against a hostile work environment, and I want some goldurned RESPECT for the $2500 a month that I'm saving PURELY from not having to pay someone for childcare and for the phenomenal job that I DO.
I seriously lost it on him. As a matter of fact at one point in the conversation I said if he all he wanted from me was a maid, a nanny, a cook, and a prostitute... then he could darn well start paying me or find professionals to fill those positions because I was done.
<laughing> It was a rather eye opening conversation for him.
From that day onward I got *one* day a week (so we each had a one day weekend off of "work"). On my day off, in the beginning, I left. And he called a gazillion times. The first day I came rushing home. The second day I answered all of his questions. The third one I shut my phone off. Eventually I could stay home and relax on my day off, but it took awhile for my H not to just take total advantage of that.
Now... this may sound all very snarky... but my husband was NOT looking out for me. I was bending over backwards for him and for our family, and instead of a spouse who wrapped his arms around me and told me how wonderful I was for everything I did for our family... all I got was how HE was important and what a great job HE did for our family... and how tired HE was... blah blah blah. I looked out for my H, but no one was looking out for me. So after a couple years, I started to.
If I got hit by a bus tomorrow... ALL the things I currently do would be on him. Sans child-raising... OMG... WAIT... These are things *everyone* does for themselves. Every single iota (from shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc.) are things that working single adults DO FOR THEMSELVES. But I was doing them all, and getting nothing but "I already worked today" BS from him.
NOBODY'S 8 hour day equals another person's 14 hour day. Period.
And yes, he tried the "well you have breaks built into your job, and you're not working CONSTANTLY like I am".... the fallacy of that argument aside:
A nanny working 40 hours a week would have the SAME job description I do (sans cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry, etc). and be paid $2500 a month for it. Some jobs are more independent, more physical, more intellectual, more whatever... it doesn't change the fact that they are all WORK. To "replace" me as an "employee" my H would have to hire a bare minimum of TWO people AND be doing for himself what I currently did for him.
My H is a computer engineer. I had to seriously break everything down like this in black and white, and very direct in order for him to "wake up" and realize that he was NOT the only one working.