By you reading to her she is learning to read. When you read to children they are learning a very important skill called prosody. Prosody is the key component in reading fluency, it is the expressiveness, rythem & emphasis given to words and sentences when reading out loud. Therefore, relax mom make reading fun not a task or a chore especially at this age, she is learning to read so you have to build her confidence in something she is not great at yet and that is normal. Standards are constantly changing in schools, I remember when I was in Kindergarten we did not learn to read! At this age cultivate what she likes to do because ultimately it all ties in together as learning, so if she likes math she has to learn to read to do certain types of math so it will all fall into place. don't set her reading expectations too high, children at this age learn at their own pace.
Take her to the library or book store and let her pick her own books, pay attention and see what topics she is interested in, take notes!
Also my son loves to ask questions! When he asks me a question I may not have the answer to (sometimes i do) I tell him i dont know lets look it up, and we either look it up on the internet, at the library or book store, we do it together though, my son is older so he independently does this at times but your daughter is young and needs that guidience through the process.
If you take her out to eat ask her what the menu says help her learn to read the kids packaging from her favorite restaurant. Help her to read the cereal box. I even have my son read the TV guide on the television, you can even turn on subtitles on her favorite show, it is all reading.
Have your family members send her letters that she can read she will love getting mail from the mailbox. Or set up an e-mail account kids are technology inclined these days!
I hope all this helps and the best of luck to you and your daughter!