Hello A.,
My son loves his reading time. I started about 45mins after he arrived in this world. I started out with the board books, at first his just sat there and looked at me. By 6mns old he would actually look at the books, 8mns I started to involve him in the books. Involve him by pointing to the colors or animals (he loves animals) Then by 10mns I asked him to point out the brown bear or the blue bird.
By a year he was climbing up to his rocking chair and say "book." He is now 21mns and he will sit in his room for about 30mins reading his books. He is now even pointing to the words! It is the cutest thing to watch our little ones read.
Now, my son would bite the board books and he turns the pages of paper books rough, but I just remind him that we don't treat books that way. Maybe when you read to your son (now you may already do this) but asking him questions and praise him for pointing out the correct object. I also get into character when reading and make sound effects. There are some days that reading is all we do, no cars or outside, just reading. I am sure your son will grow out of this stage, like all other stages.
But, show your son that these are his books and get him involved in them.
Hope this helps and happy reading,