You need to be 20 weeks along before you can tell. The mystery is part of the fun for now, don't rush it!!
mother of 3
I am preganat with my first child, I am 11 weeks tomorrow. I was just curious, does anyone know how far along you have to be before you can find out the sex of your child?
I went to the doctors for my third month appt. and he said I get to find out the sex in six weeks which will be 19 weeks for me. Thank you all so much to everyone that replied to my question. :)
You need to be 20 weeks along before you can tell. The mystery is part of the fun for now, don't rush it!!
mother of 3
Most OB's can tell at around 16 weeks, but the earlier it is done the greater the chance for error. Usually this is done between 20 and 24 weeks.
I found out the sex of my 2nd child at 13 weeks. My first child was more of a challenge, however. I had to wait until my second ultrasound late in my 2nd trimester!
Usually the earliet is about 16 weeks if you are lucky, but not usually until about 20 weeks.
Hi N.,
Congratulations on your baby. Your OB should be scheduling you in the next couple of months for your 20-week ultrasound. Twenty weeks is when they check for the sex of the baby because it should be easy to see by then. Good luck!
Usually at your 20 week ultrasound. They can sometimes find out earlier, but the accuracy isn't as high. I think at 20 weeks, it's about 90% right.
they should do an u/s around 20 weeks. thats when they will be able to tell..
If the tech is really good. They can sort of tell around 18 weeks, BUT to be As sure as they can-- cause no one can be 100% .. Around 22 weeks is where you'd want to be.
good luck!!!
depends on where you go. 25 weeks NOT 20 is the AVERAGE to tell the sex, especially with your first. Most doctors will not tell you until you are 23-25 weeks.
Congrats!!!!! You can find out as early as 15/16 weeks but no dr will do an u/s that early just to find the sex of the baby out they wait until you are at least 20 weeks along. Good Luck!!
My Husband and I care expecting our 3rd.Child in June and this will be our first girl.
About 20 weeks for definite results!!
Hi N.,
You will be able to find out the sex of your baby around the 20th week. Congratulations!!!!
Most dr's do the first ultra sound on ur first visit to comfirm how far along u r. Then make the appt. for the second one about 5months so they can tell u the sex. But u can tell early than that.
16 to 20 weeks u can tell. I was 4 mons with my first when i found out. And with this second one i was 4and half mons. Most all the dr's r using those really great 3d ultrasounds. They r so detailed and r suppost to show the face features and whatnot. I will being geting that one in my later end months so i can get the dvd and colored pics:D . Hope urs has it too!
take care
R. m
Congratulations on your pregnancy! They can tell, sometimes, as early as around the 15-16th weeks, but generally tend to wait on that until around the 20th week because it is more accurate by that point.
As for the 3d ultrasounds, no, most doctor's aren't using them. I asked the ultrasound technician at Aultman Hospital in Canton about those, and she said for seeing inside the baby, they are NOT as reliable in detail as the 2d ones, and that the 3d ones are a much more pain in the butt. So they just continue to use those, because they are most accurate when looking inside the baby.
Seeing the features of your baby would be cool, but if you want to get those done, I'd suggest going to one of the 3d ultrasound businesses that specifically do the dvd's and pictures for more of entertainment value, rather than medical value.
Usually 20-22 weeks. Sometimes they can tell sooner (like about 18 weeks, but it is much more difficult to tell then, and may not be as accurate). The longer you wait, the more accurate it is. Most women (that only get one or two ultrasounds) have their ultrasound around 20-22 weeks. Congrats and enjoy your pregnancy.
It is usually done around the 20 week mark. I found out I was pregnant at the end of July ('05) and was able to get my US done the middle of Nov. Hope that helps. Good luck!
I know people who have found out at around 14 weeks but it isn't very reliable then as the sex organs are just forming. They then had to go back later for another u/s to determine gender.
I think most labs won't determine gender until closer to 18-20 weeks.. usually at your big 20 week u/s.
Hey I am going to reccommend the book What to Expect when Expecting. It is a great tool that tells you what is going on at different stages in your pregnancy. I loved it and bought the sequel books what to expect the first year and what to expect the toddler years. They are great help. Think about it and congrats on being pregnant and good luck through your whole pregnancy
As to the comment about the 3-d ultrasound. Check with your Doctor first. I have heard some things about them not being good for the baby due to how it gets the pics of the baby. So check with your dr before doing that. It is really cool to see all the details of your babies features but your babies health is way more important
I was 18 weeks I think when I found out
Congratulations! You can usually find out the gender around 20 weeks ... if the baby cooperates during the ultrasound and doesn't hide his or her parts!
16 weeks at the absolute earliest but they normally do it at an ultrasound at your 5 month visit.
i was able to find out at 18 weeks
Hey N. in both of my pregnancies it was 18- 20 weeks when they scheduled the ultrasound so find out the sex of the baby.. you may be able to see it before then but they like to wait till about then.. I guess it depends on yourr dr and when they feel the best time is. Do you have a regular dr if so may I ask who and where exactly you live.. I am in miamisburg and for my first daughter I went to Dr Evangeline Andarsio, she was a great Dr I had the opportunity to meet her previosuly through a friend of mine and her pregnancy so I was already comfortable with her. My second daughter I had Mary Ellen Leary but she didnt end up delivering her however another dr in the office did. Its really important to meet and feel comfortable with your dr as well as the other dr's in the office because the chance of your dr being the one that delivers is not always good.. I hope this helps if you need any other information feel free to contact me through messenger... behindthesehazeleyes75
You can be as early as 12 weeks, but they usually wait until your ultrasound at 20 weeks. Also, it's easier to tell for sure with a girl.
I found out at 15 weeks with mine... I worked on L&D and did ultrasounds for free a couple of times a week. =)
It depends on your OBGYN. I am finding out on Thursday (18 weeks) but sometimes it is hard to tell that early. The later they do the u/s the better. I am so excited for you!!! Good luck and Belly Rubs to you!!!!
Hi N., you typically have to be 19 to 20 weeks to find out. Some ob/gyn's like to wait a little longer than that. For instance with my last baby my ob decided to wait until I was 23 weeks, and then my daughter was positioned wrong so we didn't find out until like the 27 week. Good luck!!!!
I believe you have to be about 20 wks along, but the longer you wait the more sure they can be.