I lost mine the morning before with my second and I lost chunks of it for three weeks with my third.
Good luck!! Everyones oven timers seem to be going off at the same time on the Board. I love it!!!
I've been loosing my mucus plug over the last week in pieces. Last Wed. I was 3 cm and 30% effaced. Around 12 today i noticed blood on my panties. I've been wearing a pantiliner and its just streaks of blood comming out, not anything major.
So i was wondering how long after your bloody show did you go into actual labor? Not feeling a whole lot now.
I lost mine the morning before with my second and I lost chunks of it for three weeks with my third.
Good luck!! Everyones oven timers seem to be going off at the same time on the Board. I love it!!!
I lost mine at 37 weeks. I was 3 cm dilated at that time. At 40 weeks and 5 days, I had to be induced.
It was different with all three of mine. YAY! Won't be long now! Wish I could be there with you. But you'll be fine, mama, you got the strength of a zillion determined women behind you!
Awww man, we have the same due date! I have never had any of this labor action so Im not sure. Probably be any time now. Thinking about you, keep us posted!!
That SAME day.
My daughter was born 1 week early.
With my first, it was about a week after my show that I went into labor. With my second I don't remember having any show.
Usually within 24 hrs with all four. Everyone is different though. How exciting! Congrats and wish you the best :)
Believe it or not, I only had a bloody show when I was in labor. My labor wasn't very long either...I delievered quick.
Good Luck!
I lost my plug over 2 days (it was a Tues/Wed) My son was born that Thurs. and came out in about 4 pushes. So once he started, he didn't stop!
Good luck and congratulations!!
Within hours with my first 2 then my last had a bloody show immediatley labor began,all my mucos plugs fell out about 2 weeks prior to the onset of bloody show.