He should nurse until he's done, and as often as he wants, on demand. You'll be able to tell if he's actually eating or just nursing for comfort by listening for his swallows, they sound like tiny squeaks. At the beginning, it feels like all you do is nurse all day long, but eventually he'll get better and more efficient and it won't seem so all-consuming. Try not to put a time limit on how long he is at each breast, but rather make sure that he is draining one breast before burping and moving onto the next. You need to make sure he is getting the hindmilk, which is fattier and will fill him up more. If you switch breasts too early, he may not be getting much hindmilk and instead more of the watery foremilk, and so he will be hungry again sooner. I made a lot of milk, so it was recommended to me to just do one breast per feeding and that worked really well for us. If you can, try to consult with a lactation consultant who can observe a feeding and give you tips and advice tailored to you and your son. I didn't think I needed this service, but I sure am glad I took advantage of it because it brought me a lot of peace of mind. Congratulations on your new little guy! Snuggle him lots and enjoy this time of bonding with him... mine is 2 already and I can't believe how fast it's gone!