i concieved the same month that i had mine removed and had no problems. I dont think there is an issue since it is horomone free.
I just had my paraguard cooper iud pulled out on 3/12 i will be ovulating this weekend. Does anyone have any advice or experiance on hoe long I should wait till I try to conceive. Is it better to wait or will it be ok to try to conceive as soon as possible?
Thank you to you all for such great advice. My husband and I spoke with our physician who did recommend to wait at least one cycle before trying to conceive. She stated that the uterus is inflammed at the time of iud removal and chances of miscarriage are more likely if I were to conceive before that first cycle. So we are going to try next month. I suppose I could wait. Thanks again to everyone who replied. This is an awesome site.
i concieved the same month that i had mine removed and had no problems. I dont think there is an issue since it is horomone free.
The advice I got was 'don't have it removed till you're ready to conceive, cause you'll conceive right away' (too late for that!), but no restrictions on when to start trying, so 'go for it!'
I got pregnant with my iud. My friend got pregnant w/ hers too.
I had the copper IUD too, we did not wait. We got pregnant that very cycle we had it removed!
I do not know much about the copper IUD, but if anyone has a Mirena, please wait 3 months before trying. I know too many people (including me) who got PG right after removing a Mirena and then ended up with a miscarry. Mine was at 12 weeks and involved a trip in the ambulance, so please be careful!
I would ask your doctor/midwife, but I got pregnant the cycle after I had mine removed and everything was perfect. I was told that it was OK to start trying right away. Good Luck!
You should really get clear directive from your ob/gyn! This is not a question to leave to lay people. Talk to your gyn as soon as you can and use a backup method until you know for sure, you don't want to wind up with an infection, a sick baby, or an ectopic pregnancy.
I tried to conceive right away and it took me about two months or so. Because there are no hormones in this birth control, you don't have to wait to "regulate" or anything like that. Good luck!!
You are safe to conceive as soon as it's out. There is no damage to the uterus or your eggs.
You can try to conceive ASAP. With hormonal methods, some providers believe you should wait for one "normal cycle" before you try to conceive so you can build up an adequate endometrial lining. Since Paraguard has no hormones and does not effect the lining, you should be OK to get pregnant immediately, even by conservative standards.
I had that same iud and had it removed last august. Started trying to concieve that same day and before the next month I was pregnant. So the answer to your question is ASAP!
I got pregnant with my second child the day after having my iud removed and had no complications from it. I have heard you should wait until after you have had a period but like I said it worked out fine for us to get pregnant right away.
Hi T.
I didnt have that kind of IUD, I had Mirena. But was told that I could try as soon as it was removed. It turns out that the iud just wasnt for me so I had it removed about 1 1/2 weeks ago (we arent trying to have another though) we are trying a different method. But if we wanted to we could have tried that very same day. But try talking with your doctor.
My dr said to wait a couple months before trying to concieve. I only waited until after my first period though and everything is fine with my pregnancy.
I've been told w/ my IUD that it is safe to start trying to conceive immediately after having it removed should I want to do so. That's one of the "perks" of this type of birth control.
Go for it! :0)
Since the paraguard IUD has no hormones in it and protects you from pregnancy because of the way the copper reacts with your uterus, you should be able to get pregnant right away (barring any other fertility issues that might occur anyway).
Don't wait, start the baby making!
I would suggest 90 days as your tissues need to rejuvinate. I did however have less cramping during my periods after it was removed.
Hello T.,
I work in health care and I aggree with what all the ladies are saying. There is no reason why you need to wait after having the IUD removed. Since it has no hormones it won't interfere with your cycle and you will be able to get pregnant.
Have fun and good luck
You're good to go! Have fun baby making!!
You can start trying right away.
I have heard it takes three months after you have the I.U.D removed for your homones to return back to normal. You can try if your ovulating this weekend, I don't see the harm in trying :) Good Luck I hope it all works out for the best!