Nobody knows the answers you seek.
All boys (and their mothers) are different.
My son loved Pooh when he was small, too. We had the mini-beanbag ones (Pooh, Eyeore, Rabbit and Piglet)... and he kept them on his bed. (He had a separate lovey though-- a snowman, unrelated to Pooh).
I remember watching my son do something one day and glimpsing his face, and for just a milli-second, I was able to "see" him as a teenager or older. It was upsetting to me. (Obviously, since I still remember it vividly, and it was over ten years or so ago...). But you know what? My son is probably even MORE loving than he was when he was little. Maybe not in public, but heck, he stopped the goodbye kiss at preschool drop-off when he was 4!
He will randomly walk up to me these days and say, "Mama, Can I have a hug?" and just give me a big ol' squeeze. He is 14 now, and only a shy few inches of being as tall as I am (I'm 5'7"). We wear the same size shoes! When he calls me on the phone, he ends the call with "I love you".
He is turning into such a lovely young man, and I am so proud to be his Mama. And the sweet stuff doesn't just stop. He still tells me he loves me every day, and every night at bedtime. Sometimes the sweetness just gets better and more mature. :)
Enjoy these days, yes. But don't fear or dread him growing up. He won't stop loving you just because he's older. Write down all the sweet little things he does in a journal, so the innocence isn't lost. I think the love just gets better because it is a conscious choice to love and respect me now. Not just a mindless "that's the only person I know" kinda love. (if that makes any sense?) Now, he recognizes when he is causing me stress or worry or frustration... and will acknowledge it and apologize! Or notice when I am stressed (not because of him) and try to make me feel better or relax.
You really just can't know all the ways your son will change. And you can't fixate on "when it will end" because it may not ever, really. It probably will change and mature, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I love the man my son is growing into. :) And I still worry about him when he goes off to school. High school this year.