4 kids is anything between $15 and $20 an hour. The whole just need someone with a drivers license thing doesn't really matter. The fact that you have a 14 year old means you need an adult to be there. a 16 year old is really not going to be able to be in charge of a kid who is only 2 years younger. I nanny and the do you charge less while they are sleeping thing is a big fat no. do you expect any less of my person to be there while they are sleeping? No you want a reliable person to care for your children while your gone. I would suggest that you look for an older grandmotherly type person and then suggest an amount you can pay. perhaps $60 for a couple hours while you go to dinner and a movie. I know I wouldn't tie up a night for less than that. And when my daughter was a teenager I would not have allowed her to sit for a family with a teenage boy. as the ages were to close together. just my thoughts