How Much Will My WalkerCoonhound/Lab Mix Puppy Weigh as an Adult?

Updated on March 02, 2016
H.M. asks from Minneapolis, MN
8 answers

I recently adopted a beautiful Walker Coonhound/Lab mix little girl and I'm wondering how much she will weigh as an adult and at what age she should stop growing!

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answers from St. Louis on

That sounds like a question for wikipedia. It will depend on her parents size and how much you feed her. Dogs are like people. If they eat too much, they will become overweight.

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answers from Jacksonville on

I don't have any idea. I'd suggest doing a google search for each breed and assume yours will be somewhere in between. Although parental size matters, too. I assume you don't know the size of either parent, though.
Just googled myself. See how easy?
One breed females average 50-70 lbs and 20-25 inches in height. The other they average 55-71 lbs and 22-24 inches in height. So, I'd say an educated guess would put your dog's adult size somewhere between 20-25 inches tall and 50-71 lbs.

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answers from San Francisco on

Sounds like a good question to ask your vet!

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answers from Boston on

It's hard enough to estimate on a purebred dog. No idea how you would do this with a mutt. Do ask your vet, who may be able to look at certain characteristics and body parts to give you a better guess.

Just curious - why do you need to know?

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answers from Washington DC on

For a rough estimate, double her weight at 4 months old. My neighbor had a walker. I absolutely loved her!! She had a thyroid issue, so she was a pretty large girl.

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answers from Washington DC on

but who knows for sure? mutts are notoriously hard to predict.
i'm sure your vet has far more accurate insights to give.

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answers from St. Louis on

Have you asked your vet?

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answers from Milwaukee on

Large breed dogs, such as the Treeing Walker Coonhound and Labrador Retriever, typically reach within 1-2" of their mature height by 12 months old. They take another 6 months or so to complete their vertical growth (which is why you cannot get OFA certification on hip & elbow joints for dysplasia grading until they are 2 years, to ensure complete growth & closing of joint plates).

Even though a dog has reached its full height potential, they typically take up to their 3rd year to "fill out", meaning they may look leggy & gangly until then. Spaying or neutering prior to 2 years of age is NOT recommended, to ensure that complete growth occurs in a controlled fashion - the sex hormones regulate growth, & early spay/neuter removes them, allowing bones to grow longer than they should have, which can put dogs at risk for injuries down the road.

Of these two breeds, Coonhound bitches typically mature 45-65 pounds, and Labrador Retrievers can mature between 55 & 70 pounds. So I would expect your girl to reach around 60 pounds, and between 20 & 22" high at the shoulder. Of course, there is variety depending on parentage.

Enjoy your puppy! T. :)

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