With my older son, by the time he was 10 months he was nursing 4-5 times a day. First thing in the morning, before lunch, afternoon nap, and then before bed. He always nursed both sides... I am paranoid about having different sized breasts. LOL. With my younger son (now 10 months) he is completely different. He nurses about 8-10 times a day, and doesn't eat much solid food. He won't take a sippy cup or bottle. I think each child is different. If he is growing suffiently and having a good amount of wet & dirty diapers, I wouldn't worry. When it comes to weaning, just start replacing feedings with cups of milk (either formula or cow's -if he is old enough). The pediatrician recommended whole milk (changing to less fat when he was two). We then morphed into two sippy cups of milk in the morning with a water/juice mix after that. With my oldest, weaning at 1 year was very easy and gradual, but who knows with the youngest... :) He is very different from his brother.