Try these ideas that I used last summer when I had a broken ankle -- and I'm doing again since I tore up my knee ligaments this summer!
-Try using a desk chair w/wheels to get around the kitchen.
-Order groceries online. It's a bit more money, but worth it when you can't get around.
-Pair up with another mom/dad to run errands. Call ahead to find stores that have mobility carts so you don't have to shop with crutches.
-See if there is a neighbor, grandparent, responsible teen, etc. who can pitch-in as "mother's helper" for an afternoon. You might be able to set up a schedule with different people helping on different days. Offer your services down-the-line in exchange for their pitching in for you now.
-Cluster upstairs and downstairs activities so you don't have to make so many trips... and use a tote bag to carry things more easilty between rooms, levels, etc.
-If you have an answering phone/service, don't rush to pick-up every call... wait and cluster the calls backs into one time period.
-Get your 2-year-old involved in helping with ANY small "do-able" tasks: sorting socks, scooping out pet food, putting toys away, etc.
Good luck, and remember, you'll most likely be well soon!