I too agree with Jack's mom; you need to get it under control now. I have a 4 year old son and when he does not get his way he throws a FIT; not any run of the mill fit either. You need to teach him that it is not okay to play in the dog dish, or to go through the garbage. I have heard that time-out's do work well, I wish I would have started them when my son was 1, because now he will not stay where I put him (for time out). I am going through the same thing as you!!! I have spoken to several people at my church and have gotten this consistent answer: 1) You ALWAYS win. My son did not want his dad to take him to pre-school this morning and threw a huge fit. (The first one dad has actually been home to see). It would have been easier for us to just give in, and for me to take him, but that is not the point. We said Dad was going to take him, so dad HAD to take him or he would have won. (He was 30 minutes late and still throwing a fit on his way in the door, but dad took him!) 2) Be consistent-it may ruin your plans for the day, but try and always be consistent (I'm still working on this one. It sounds easy, but is probably the hardest thing to do-especially when you are worn down to nothing!!) 3.) Their opinion does not matter-what you say goes. Another one I wish I would have worked on sooner....I use to poor him a glass of juice and he would get mad because he didn't want that certain cup, so I would put it in the cup he wanted. Shouldn't have done that!! Either you use this cup and drink your juice or no juice. And now, when he doesn't get his way.....FIT!!
So, to sum it all up.......nip it now because it can (and probably will) get worse. They are always testing their limits; make sure he knows what the limits are.
I hope this helps! And, I too will be praying for you....that has helped me tremendously! Good luck!