J. B
Congratulations on nursing your baby for a year!
If you're breasts are feeling large/uncomfortable, pump to comofort - but no more. Your milk supply is in response to the demand. You have a good start in the way you weaned. Your body will still 'produce' milk for a while yet. BUT the full feeling typically goes away fairly soon. It varies woman to woman, so I'm hesitant to put a specific number of days on it.
Although bc pills 'work' to decrease/stop milk supply, it's really really NOT necessary. I know so many moms who have successfully dried up their supplies without the use of "estrogen therapy".
Cabbage leaves can be of great help - especially on the engorged breast. The women I know that used this would put one on each breast inside the bra (2 each for a larger mom), and then as soon as they wilted much at all, change them out for fresh ones. One mom was done after a day, another did this for 2-3 days and although it greatly diminished her supply, it did not dry her up.
There are some herbs that you can take to help dry up. Sage is the one that comes to mind first - also oregano, parsley and mints (peppermint, spearmint). So you can make a batch of spaghetti and add a good dose of sage, oregano and parsley to it. Some women are sensitive enough that just that would make a difference. I think you can also get Sage capsules at your local health food store. You could also make a strong tea - but I think you'd have to drink quite a bit....
I also know that any otc decongestant will help dry you up. Any medicine that dries up your mucous membranes will dry up your milk too.
kellymom.com has some good information on weaning tips for mom.... http://www.kellymom.com/bf/weaning/weaning_mom.html
K., mama to
Catherine, 4.5y
Samuel, 19m