Hi A.,
I worked/work from home, not with a six month old, but with a 4 and 6-16 yrs. and it is something else. Our children want us, and we want to earn a living. I worked from home so that I could be there with my kids, but it didn't work. It didn't work, because I am working!
I found a company that showed me how to be free from the desk and ball and chain of the 9-5 at home as well. I quit my job and now I do my own business so that I work a few hours each day, but as I am living my life. I could be doing laundry and no one was going to be angry with me because they here me doing laudry or running after my child, because now I am going to teach them how to do the same thing. Be FREE. It has literally saved me. My children not only wanted me but needed me. I am much happier now and so are they. I had to remember that they are just kids and they like it when mom is not cranky with them because they spilled on my work. It has worked out for all of us. Maybe it is something that you can look into. www.ucanreachyourpotential.com
Have a great one!