Ahh this sounds so familiar. Like I wrote it! My son is now 3 and we still fight at nap time. Since he is my only one and I am a SAHM sometimes I lay down with him in my room with Noggin on and no sound. I ask him to sing mommy to sleep, telling him I need a nap. Being that your son is not yet 2 it is a little harder because their understanding level is a little less. Just a little warning, when my son turned to all hell broke loose. Sorry just how it is!! Naptimes were such a blessing, god I miss those easy days when he would lay down and go to sleep.
The only thing I can recommend is on days when he wont take a nap and starts getting mean around 5:30 is what I used to do. My son had the same trouble so around 5 we would have relax time. When he was still taking a bottle I would mix up something he really liked, strawberry milk was a favorite, then I would turn on a good movie or favorite cartoon and let him curl up with a blanket and pillow on the floor of the living room. He wouldn 't go to sleep but we could then make it to bed time without me having a nervous breakdown.
Wish I could help more, just know that you are not alone. Lots of kids have done this and their mommy's know how you feel!!
Good luck and take care of yourself