I have not started my son yet (only 17 months old), but I did the 3 day potty guide with my daugher at 29 months (almost his samge age). Basically you just put him in big boy underwear (never use pull ups or diapers). Tell him all day long "Don't forget to let me know when you need to go potty". Each time he has an accident rush him to the potty. Do the same for poopy. After 3 days something just clicks and they just start going. I was so doubtful that it would work and by the second day I was ready to just give up (tired of cleaning up messy panties)and so was she. She would tell me just put a diaper back on me I just keep peeing on myself. Then I knew there was no way I could give up I stuck in there and by the 3rd day she was potty trained. Poop took longer, but with some kids it just does so don't worry. She never wore anything ,but panties so I really think this helped. Even at night no accidents. She has been potty trained for almost 6 months now YEAH!!!