I'd forgotten the days of backwards zip-up jammies! Putting diapers on backwards worked for other clothing situations.
My toddler is 18 months old and he undresses himself every time his gets a chance. Sometimes he pulls his diaper off before I have a chance to change him and It get messy. Any suggestions on what to do? Thank you
I'd forgotten the days of backwards zip-up jammies! Putting diapers on backwards worked for other clothing situations.
I second the sleeper pajamas backward. I know quite a few moms who have used that trick.
I also agree that boredom may be part of the problem. If you can, offer some naked time during the day, maybe after you've changed the child's diaper. Some kids just love to be naked.
Yeah, they do that!
Find some onesies that fit him. Buy just a few and see if that works. Most can't get it unsnapped.
Osh-Kosh-B-Gosh overalls work well too. You criss-cross the straps in the back. They can't get this off. And you can get the short ones that are for summer.
For sleeping, you can cut the feet out of one-piece sleepers (or get the ones without feet) and turn them backwards so that the zipper is in the back. They can't get out of them.
I know moms who have actually duct taped their kids' diapers so that the kids couldn't take them off. Hopefully you won't have to go that far...
And no to the idea of pull-ups. You'll just have an 18 month old pulling them off and the same messy mess everywhere. This isn't about him being ready to be potty trained. It's about not wanting clothes on.
Good luck!
Put clothes on backwards.
My kids wore onsies and/or overalls until they potty trained.
just let him be naked as long as you are home. all kids go through this phase. i would start introducing him to the potty since hes hanging out naked.
I had a quiet stripper as well. Not sure why but every morning she, yes she, would quietly take off all her clothes and then the diaper and if there was poop, oh what fun! Regardless of clothing she could always get them off. I think I tried duct tape across the tabs of the diaper once, she wiggled out of it anyway. Freaking little Houdini!
I found nothing that worked but she went from her crib to a bed a month or so after that started. Once she could get out of her room and go see us, or find something to do, she stopped. I guess after typing this she was bored and that was her amusement.
Use Duct Tape and go around he waist of the diaper.
Put overalls on him where he can't get to the diaper. Put them on backwards.
This is a stage of development that's important. The diaper stuff is just part of figuring out how to take stuff apart. See how it works.
Can he get out of onsies? You can buy those pretty big - until at least 18 months, and I think some brands until 2T.
I knew one person who put their child in one-piece jammies without feet, and put the jammies on backwards so that the snaps were in the back instead of in the front. Her child mostly stripped and pulled of his diaper at night though, not during the day.
It may be time for pull-ups.