Maybe you shouldn't have cats. You don't sound like a cat person at all. I work in rescue and I can't tell you how many times I hear the same story from well meaning people who get an animal for all the WRONG reasons.
A cat is NOT going to make your daughter sleep in her bed. In all likely hood, your new cat is going to be scared of your 4 yr old. (I am assuming this is the child in question.) 99% of small children do not know how to interact with animals if they have not been raised with animals.
You've only had the kitties for one day. This is NO time for the animals to adjust to your household. Also, getting an adult cat de-clawed is cruel. It will cause the animals lifelong pain in their paws as well as leave them defenseless. Perhaps you should give the cats back or do some serious research about cats and give it some more time.
Nobody, much less an animal, is going to automatically adjust to a new environment overnight.