Having lived more than 50 years on this earth I've seen my share of selfish men. While there are some moms who are selfish it seems that for most of us pregnancy, childbirth and caring for infants & toddlers really works out all of the selfishness. Most moms become very selfless after going through it all.
On the other hand - it seems to take years for many men to grow up and lost their selfish nature. There are some men who are not so selfish, but even one of my pastors has commented that men seem to be so selfish. I think it's a combination of nature and nurture. I guess they had to have a selfish nature in order to ensure their families had enough to eat back 100+ years ago - and mothers don't help in allowing their sons to avoid responsibilitiy - and our culture seems to promote the adolescent-adult man more and more as time goes by.
None of that helps you however. I think part of the problem is that your husband has this job that allows him to be away from the family half of the time and live like a single guy. I'm not saying that he's out carousing with women - but he does get to spend these quiet evenings without the responsibilities and unpredictability that kids bring to your life. Seems that he expects the kids to be little automatons - and climb right in bed and go to sleep on schedule, etc. HA!
You and he need to have a calm quiet discussion about expectations. He needs to adjust his to reality and he needs to hear from you what you expect from him. YOu need to be positive in telling him how the kids are so excited when dad's around, that they need his positive influence in their little lives, that he can be such a great dad, etc. Proplr will often rise to your expectations (or sink if expectations are set low).
He needs to understand that this is a season in your family's life. It doesn't last forever - but ti does last a few years. When our kids were this age it was a VERY tough time in our marriage. I was exhausted, my husband was a rookie cop working starnge hours, weekend, evenings, holidays, etc. You need a strong outside support system of family and friends - I hope you have that nearby - I would not have survived if not for my sister and mom.
There were many times that my husband just completely freaked out and acted like a total 13 yr old - and there were many times I thought our marriage was over. There was screaming and yelling - I threw a plastic cup at him once and missed and it bounced off my DD's head!!!! Another time he completely flipped the kitchen table over - with all kinds of stuff on top of it. He left a few times and I threw him out a few times. I told him that when he grew up he could call me and we'd discuss at that time and see if I could stomach the idea of him coming back.
OMG - when I think back of those days I wonder how we got through it!!! How much he's grown up - THANK GOD!
He needs to understand that being a parent requires a lot of self sacrifice - he needs to understand that children need to know that they can depend on their parents to be a safe place for them to go. Kids need security - and if he's going to flake-out when the going gets tough you and the kids need to consider if that's enough.
Finally pray about this situation. I really believe that there's a God who cares about the details of our life and wants to work this all out for good in the long run. Hand off your husband to God and let Him take care of the man. When I did that with my husband and stopped badgering him I was amazed with the way God worked in his life - he went through some tough times, a bad car accident, and more - but he has come out as a completely different man. Still not the perfect man - but it's day vs. night. He's grown up, he realized what he needed to do to become the man that the kids and I need and he's done it.
All the best mama - be strong.