I just wanted to tell you that your hypothyroidism MIGHT be temporary. It can be triggered by the pregnancy. I was hyper for about a year (postpartum thyroiditis) and it can trigger hypo or hyper. That's not to say that you won't have thyroid issues in the future, and I do have Hashimoto's, which is a lovely condition that causes you to oscillate between hyper AND hypo and you don't know until you're at wits end that it's your hormone levels! But SOME people completely recover. There is a test that can be done to see how much antibodies your body is producing that are attacking your thyroid....ask for it!
As far as pregnancy....for my second, My OB knew a good endocrinologist, and that way they were in contact when they needed to be, actually it was her idea to have someone she could just call up on board for the pregnancy. I was hypo for the whole pregnancy and on Synthroid, with my levels closely monitored. My 2 year old is following in big sis's footsteps with the gifted personality...she just made 2 1/2, can hold a moderate conversation, knows all her colors, shapes, letters by sight, ABC order AND mastered a puzzle of the United States designed for 4 yr olds in 3 days, her motor skills surpass my oldest's (which is the only thing she was ever lacking in...but she's what's called profoundly gifted and lacking SOMEWHERE is expected... BTW, I had unusual thyroid levels with my first too). I'm not trying to toot my kid's horn here, my point is...SHE IS NOT SLOW!
The weird thing is, since your thyroid is like the "timeclock" for your whole body, it's difficult to even get pregnant if your thyroid is out of whack (ovulation is screwed up). Low levels can affect a growing baby's mental development, if not treated. Your doctor can get you through this, you can have a completely normal child as long as you are properly cared for. I also avoid medicine at almost all costs, but synthroid is a necessary hormone that regulates the rest of your body, and can get you to "normal", you'll just have a few more blood tests this time around.
Good luck, and I hope this helped