I had a similar surgery done Oct 27 last year. I decided not to do the hysterectomy & opted for a large fibroid tumor to be removed instead. We didn't know if the robot surgery was going to be an option due to the size but the Dr was able to do it with 4 cuts in my abdomen & it took 4 1/2 hours. I also have 4 children my youngest were 2, 4, & 5, but all vaginal deliveries. The pain wasn't too bad but I would say you need a minimum straight 2-3 weeks of absolutely nothing. Then after that it has to be super light duty. Doing laparascopic surgery made me feel like I could do more, so I did & about hemorrhaged. The people who say it's no big deal & you only need a few days are wrong, this is major abdominal surgery & should be treated accordingly. If you don't take the time to heal properly you could do major damage internally, something your young children shouldn't have to endure. Best of luck