First, you are not alone!
Second, it is all going to take time. After my first, I was back to my old self by his first birthday. Lots of walking and breastfeeding. Please understand though, everyone is different (and every pregnancy is different). I remember being very uptight after birth, feeling like "hey, no one warned me about all this extra skin!". Slowly, everything seemed to fall back into place. Now after my second child, that's a different story! My weight has yo-yo'd since her birth and it has affected my self-esteem. Has it affected my sex life? Yes, but we've found coping strategies to make me more comfortable - lights out, positions where my belly skin isn't dangling (sorry - that's just nasty - but yet important).
Now, who to talk to...yea, a bunch of people are going to probably suggest therapy. If you feel that's right for you, do it. I would recommend finding a group a new moms you can talk to after all, you're all in the same boat. I know my hospital had a new moms group that met once a week. I had a few friends prego around the same time and we would sit around talking about skin & boobs all the time. I would also suggest yoga - lots of moves are based on a "strong core" which means flexing those pelvic muscles! If you could find a class that is postnatal yoga, you'd be mint!