To help clear it, I would try PURE aloe vera gel (unless of course you have a plant, than even better) but if you buy the gel, get 100% pure for which you can find at a whole foods or a true health food store, by that I mean, NOT a gnc.. but a store that actually sells health food and supplements, etc.. rub the gel on it and allow it to dry completely before allowing the underside of your belly to touch the skin below.. this may mean that you apply it and then lay on your back until it dries..
additionally. yeast also needs to be approached from the inside .... because although you are experiencing it on the outside, if it's in fact yeast, you probably have issues with it on the inside, which and I don't mean this in a negative way whatsoever, but if you have a belly, in many cases belly fat is often accompanied (although not all the time) but often with candida overgrowth.... and higher insulin levels... hence, the belly fat is hard to get rid of.. that said... if you read more about candida overgrowth on the net, you ll find that it diet driven.. if for example you have lots of sugar, white flour, fermented foods and other yeast thriving foods in your diet, the yeast can spike and bam.... you itch like crazy.. for some people it doesn't affect them for others, it does. I had yeast issues for years.. and to this day, if not careful and I eat too much sugar, it can trigger an episode.. again, read up about yeast and how it works... also.. if you have other symptoms like foggy thinking at times, sluggishness, moodiness, heart racing, these can also be signs of candida overgrowth.
the other thing to help the rash go away is to begin drinking lots and lots of water, you want to flush your body out.............
wear cotton underwear and for now, try a warm shower as oppose to hot.. yeast like warmth...... in some cases, the heat of water can ignite it as can chlorine, which is in our water..
good luck