Like we talked about the other day, you'll be fine!
I quit smoking cold turkey 10 yrs ago. It helps to have a motivator.
So... look up pictures of skin necrosis at surgical sites, to understand what really happens when you smoke and combine plastic surgery. Imagine giant holes in your incision, with black dead skin around them.
That should do the trick!
For your recovery, you will be bed ridden, 100%, for 3 days. You will be moving very slowly and hunched over/unable to stand upright for the following 5-10 days - depending on how tight you're stitched and your pain tolerance.
So for the first 3 days, someone else will need to do the parenting. You'll need help getting up for food, going to the bathroom, showering, etc...
I was moving again like normal by day 8, but no lifting anything over 10lbs, and again, moving more slowly.
It IS very similar to a c-section, in that the range of motion is limited for about 2 weeks (rolling to get out of bed, no twisting...), and that coughing, sneezing and laughing will be EXCRUICIATING for about a week-2 weeks.
I'm so excited for you!